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About Conference

Dear Colleagues,

Apex Global Meetings is delighted to announce and cordially invite all the participants across the globe to attend the Global Summit on Polymer Science and Composite Materials (GSPSCM2024) which will be taking place from September 16-18, 2024 in Prague, Czech Republic. The theme of the conference is Integrating the prominent techniques on Polymer Science and Composite materials. Scientific Tracks designed for this conference will enable the attendees and participants to learn extremes.

The meeting brings together world-class participants and young researchers looking for opportunities for exchanges that cross the traditional discipline boundaries and allows them to resolve multidisciplinary challenging problems that only a venue of this nature can offer. GSPSCM2024 Conference provides a platform of international standards where you can discuss and share persuasive key advances in Polymer Science and Composite Materials.

We look forward to your valuable presence at GSPSCM2024 in Prague, Czech Republic.


Dr. Roya Dastjerdi | Event Organizing Member
Faculty of Engineering
Yazd University

3D Printing Polymers

Advanced Synthetic Polymers and Catalytic Materials

Applications of Polymers in Medicine, Health and Biotechnology

Biochemical-Bio Degradation of Polymers

Biopolymers and Bio plastics

Ceramics, Glasses & Composite Materials

Computational Materials Science

Dynamics of polymers

Environmental Impact of Polymer-Waste Disposal

Implantable devices, degradable polymers, drug delivery, tissue engineering

Materials for surgical and Non-surgical treatment

Oils and Bio-Inorganic Materials

Organic and Inorganic Composites

Polymer Electronics: Optics, Fiber and Lasers

Polymer Membranes for Environments and Energy

Polymeric Material Chemistry and Physics

Polymers Electrochemistry

Polymers for Biomedical Engineering

Polymers for Nanotechnology

Polymers in photovoltaic, OLEDs, batteries, super capacitors, optoelectronics, optics, and photonics

Polymer Chemistry : Mechanical Properties

Recycling Technologies for Thermoset Composite Materials

Functional Polymers

The polymer-based hybrid composite's aim to permeate several sectors is inescapable. Among other purposes, the hybrid polymer matrix composite was aimed for cars and utility components. The type of reinforcement and its selection shape the composite's nature. Researchers are currently concentrating on employing natural fibres to reinforce hybrid polymer composites and increase natural fibre mechanical properties. As stated in this study, natural fibres are replacing conventional fibres like glass, aramid, carbon and others to improve quality. Vehicles, aircraft, military, packaging utility products, construction, and so on have proved that natural fibres are a viable alternative to synthetic fibres. These polymer-based hybrid composites have considerable limitations. It tried to sum up everything. Adding high strength-to-weight natural fibres to polymer composites increases mechanical properties.

Nowadays, people have developed a dependence on composite materials and have begun to employ them for a variety of reasons. Natural fibre composites are lightweight, eco-friendly, renewable, affordable, biodegradable, and sustainable. Natural fibres outperform synthetic or man-made fibres in terms of performance. Natural fibre reinforced polymer composites have grown in popularity in recent years due to their advantages over typical synthetic materials. There have been numerous academics exploring natural fibre composite/resin composites in recent years.

Important Dates

Abstract Submission Deadline

July 30, 2024

Earlybird Registration Deadline

July 28, 2024

Standard Registration Deadline

August 10, 2024

Onspot Registration

September 16, 2024

Supporting Journals

Scientific Committee

Volen Atim

Prof. Ephraim Suhir

Portland State University
Volen Atim

Sr Lect. Mahdi Bodaghi

Nottingham Trent University
Volen Atim

Dr. Srinivasan Jayakumar

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Volen Atim

Assoc Prof. Roya Dastjerdi

Yazd University

Media Partners


Registration Includes

  • Access to all conference sessions, poster and exhibition area
  • Conference kit including name tag, program booklet and Abstracts book
  • 2 Coffee breaks and lunch for all the event days of the conference
  • Certificate of participation from Conference chair/ Session chair
  • Access to the all scientific sessions
  • Access to Business Development Sessions and Global Networking Session

Benefits of Joining Conference

  • Encouraged to publish full length articles in Supporting Journals with discounted APC charges
  • Best Oral, Poster and Young Research Forum (YRF) presentation awards
  • Get Opportunity to Collaborate with future Apex Global Meetings
  • Avail Group Booking Discounts
  • All the articles presented in this conference will be considered for publications as per their quality in SCI / SCIE / SCOPUS / Peer Reviewed journals of Springer and / or other publishers

Group Booking Discounts

Groups of three or more will receive a Special discount by using the group code. If you have any queries, please contact us at or call
